AYES, a Hong Kong fashion brand, was established in 2020 with a focus on Hong Kong culture. It is committed to promoting local design and introducing high-quality fashion items.

AYES originated in Hong Kong and has been actively promoting local culture by combining Hong Kong elements with a witty and humorous approach. In addition to regular collaborations with Hong Kong designers, AYES actively engages in brand partnerships to raise awareness of Hong Kong brands among a wider audience.

 AYES (@ayes_hk)




81 products
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Original Aspiration Phone Case
Sale priceHK$158 Up
Love Simple Tent Phone Case
Sale priceHK$158 Up
Blow My Mind Phone Case
Sale priceHK$158 Up
急急如律令 B Phone Case
Sale priceHK$158 Up
急急如律令 A Phone Case
Sale priceHK$158 Up
The Vertical City Phone Case
Sale priceHK$158 Up
見字上山 Phone Case
Sale priceHK$158 Up